Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Can other races besides caucasians have non-black hair?

Not including hair dye or genetic diseases such as albinoism

Can other races besides caucasians have non-black hair?

Middle Eastern people may have natural red hair. I have seen this myself.

Can other races besides caucasians have non-black hair?

Yes, their are plenty of people who aren't Caucasians who have naturally red and blonde hair it is all based on genetics.

Can other races besides caucasians have non-black hair?

The Caucasian race (sometimes called the Caucasoid race) is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as, "relating to a broad division of humankind covering peoples from Europe, the Middle East, South Asia and North Africa" or "white-skinned; of European origin" or "relating to the region of the Caucasus in SE Europe."[1] The concept's existence is based on the now discredited typological method of racial classification.[2]

In Europe (especially in Russia and the surrounding area), Caucasian usually refers exclusively to people who are from the Caucasus region or speak the Caucasian languages.

Can other races besides caucasians have non-black hair?

yea google it

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