Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Do i have to bleach my black hair?

im asian and i have long, black, wavy/curly hair and i would like to dye my whole hair this really dark rich chocolate brown color and then maybe adding highlights like a lighter shade of brown and some what a mahogny/red color.

would i have to bleach my hair to do this so the colors wont fade?

Also would these colors look nice together?

Do i have to bleach my black hair?

If you do not bleach your hair first, you will end up with superdark hair that will have a bit of a brown shine when in very bright light (like in the sun). If you bleach your hair first, you will end up with the color you died it.

You should always be careful when working with bleach. I'd recommend having a hairdresser do it for you - it's more expensive, but if you do it yourself and mess it up, which is very easy to do, you will wish you had paid a professional. Sometimes you can get hair done very cheap at a hairdressing school - there is a Paul Mitchell school near my house where you can get very nice professional hair cuts from supervised students for only $10, and the coloring is very cheap as well.

Do i have to bleach my black hair?

The best way to get out black is to go to a salon to have it done. Home bleach can actually turn your hair this carrot orange color (trust me, I tried and really made my hair look awful!). They can strip the black out and get the color you want without killing your hair.

Do i have to bleach my black hair?

if you dont want to spend money to get your hair dyed every month or so to keep the color rich, bleaching would be best.

those colors would look awesome together.

p.s. i love asian people's hair its sooooo pretty!!!

Do i have to bleach my black hair?

DO NOT BLEACH YOUR HAIR! it will damage your hair so bad. just go to a professional and they will figure it all out for you.

Do i have to bleach my black hair?

you might want to go see a prof. for that so you wont kill your hair doing it yourself

or there are these new hair dye projects for darker hair ppl to lighten it up to another color

the colors would look nice together

Do i have to bleach my black hair?

well usually if you have "virgin hair" meaning you've never colored it before...the stylist is usually able to just LIFT the color a few shades without using bleach. Since you're hair is black...I think it can only be lifted 2 shades and for the highlights to get that red color you want I'm pretty sure they would have to use bleach.

I think that your natural color "black" would look prettier with the reddish color. So you might just wanna try the highlights out first instead of the whole color and highlights = )

Do i have to bleach my black hair?

go to the salon coz u can really mess up ur hair at home. the salon people will mix their own colours and chemicals to give u the desired effect

Do i have to bleach my black hair?

Since your hair is naturally black the color shouldn't have a problem coloring over it. Even color from a box says it can color over natural dark hair so if you get it done professionally by your aunt then it definitely should work.

Do i have to bleach my black hair?

NO! your stylist will be able to give you an all over brown color as long as your hair has no color on it now. the highlights in the brown will have to be down with bleach but NOT the entire head

Do i have to bleach my black hair?

its all up to you,if you think you can handle and manage to carry whatever color you put in your hair then its ok,

Do i have to bleach my black hair?

i thnk so. because nothing would show up in black hair?!

Do i have to bleach my black hair?

You will have to lighten your hair lighter than the color you are trying to acheive. This way when you go to put the color in over the lighten portion, it will show the color better. With dark hair like yours, you never want to go too much lighter than your natural color, so yes a mahogany would be a good choice of color for highlites.

Do i have to bleach my black hair?

I don`t think you would have to bleach it, but you should have it done at the salon...don`t do it yourself!!!

Do i have to bleach my black hair?

To get a chocolate brown your stylist could use a higher volume of peroxide with a tint rather than bleaching your hair up first. That will give you lighter shades of brown...as for the mahogany/red you will need to do the same as above..but it may not be light enough so you may need to bleach first..but unfortunately you cant do both colours if one need's bleaching first :o( i would go for the lighter shades of brown first as red is very hard to strip out if you don't like it. Really hope this helps..Good luck.

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